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What to say?

I'm a blogging newbie, as described above and I'm struggling with whether I have something to say, and if I do, what is it? One of the privileges and pleasures of my job as a psychologist is having a front row seat into so many lives. Of course you come to know the details of individual lives, which I won't be writing about. But you also have a remarkable view into various professions, towns, social classes, races, cultures, and sports, etc. Gathering all this expert testimony, if you will, is very thought provoking. Topics I'm mulling over now:

Is there more cocaine on college campuses?

So much information, so much sharing. How does this change the value of/effect what is discussed in psychotherapy.

No one reads the "New Yorker" in my waiting room any more. We have smartphones.

Am I in denial if I want to believe Prince died of something other than an overdose?

My colorist and me. Lay psychotherapy at it's finest.

Where do people meet one another nowadays? The state of courtship today.

Why is writing so difficult? What we can learn from 1st graders.

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Rob Amstel -
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