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Administrative FAQ’s


I meet with you for 50 minutes, but often go over till about 1 hour. 


My fees range from $300-350.  Depending upon your financial circumstances I may reduce my fee. I typically offer reduced fees during off-peak hours.  


I belong to only one insurance panel, that for Columbia University Students. In other words, I am an out-of-network provider for all other insurance plans. I will fill out your insurance forms in order to help you utilize any out-of-network  benefits you may be eligible for.


After we have established regular meetings, I  will bill you monthly, and ask that you pay me the following time we meet. I can be payed by check, cash, flexible spending accounts, or Paypal.


Getting Started

If you're curious, and would like to know more, contact me by phone or email. I’m happy to speak briefly with you so you can get a sense of me. If we aren't well suited for one another based on finances, insurance benefits, or clinical specialty I will gladly refer you to someone in my network of colleagues.  All therapy begins with a consultation in which we arrive at a mutual decision about the goodness-of-fit between us. Reaching that point may take a couple of sessions. I charge my regular fees for consultative sessions. 


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